

White light energy, synchronicity and intuition


I’ve been trying out the new Petaltone light field essences. These were created by David Eastoe in February/March this year and contain the vibration of white light along with plant energies. Spanning a greater vibrational range, they offer something for the increasingly challenging times (now in stock here and online via David). Interestingly Crystal Tones started making new 'white light' blend singing bowls in the last 6 months or so.. A coincidence? These things interest me.

I was drawn to the crystal selenite when everything kicked off with lockdown here in the UK in March (alongside stones with strong plant energy such as amber and petrified wood). Selenite holds the white light vibration very strongly too. It looks fibre optic in appearance and is an effective conductor of light. As a very high frequency crystal it can raise your energy to a degree it offers protection from some of the denser energies the aura can attract.

Selenite, chrysoprase, pyrite & quartz - seed of life crystal & sound grid (March 2020)

Selenite, chrysoprase, pyrite & quartz - seed of life crystal & sound grid (March 2020)

I was drawn to create a large crystal grid with it. I then read an article connecting selenium levels with covid 19 outcomes in China. For reference there's one here. According to Dr. Margaret Rayman selenium is an antioxidant that can reduce the oxidative stress produced by a viral infection. I'm not making any woolly assumptions or correlations (a valid criticism of some new age approaches), but find it an interesting synchronicity all the same.

Selenite (being a selenium compound) contains the energetic vibration of selenium, so having selenite in your energy field will have a subtle energy impact. The subtle energy field is less widely understood than the physical body but they are intimately connected. They coexist and influence each other. Everything physical has an electromagnetic field, a subtle counterpart, less easily measurable. I believe that the field holds an imprint of what happens in the physical and regularly see visible physical shifts and changes when working in the energy field with clients.

"The field is the sole governing agency of the particle" - Albert Einstein

You can hold a crystal, carry one in your pocket, have one next to you or near you while sleeping. If you feel drawn towards a particular crystal, trust it, whether or not you know consciously why. Our intuitions, as pure intuitions and not conclusions have value. Intuition is the body's intelligence. Synchronicities are not conclusive, but they hint to us that our connections 'may' be more than coincidence and might possibly hold deeper meaning. They help us to develop trust in our own intuitive capacities. Intuition has been somewhat overridden by rationale but what’s needed is a balance of both. Intuition can guide us towards what might assist us at any one time, albeit in ways we might not understand cognitively.

Meditating while holding a crystal is a beautiful way to get a feel for it’s energy. White light can effectively be brought in through visualisation/meditation, so you don’t necessarily need a stone or an essence, however these things work quickly to balance and they are there to assist if you need a boost or your energy is low. In frequency terms, our bodies are not very stable and so are prone to imbalance. Environmental factors can contribute to physical and mental fatigue. Crystals hold a very stable frequency pattern and as such will entrain anything less so into resonance with them. This is one way of describing how they help to balance and ‘tune’ us up. As I learn more and more through connection with crystals and plants, I am in awe of how the different forms of nature support us in so many ways.
